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Difference Between Editing, Review and Proofreading into Greek

Writer's picture: Stefanos KarampalisStefanos Karampalis

Many of my new clients requesting either an English to Greek translation or a writing of a Greek article are unsure or unaware about the difference between editing, review and proofreading in Greek. They are confused about which service they should choose for their Greek language project. Everyone involved in the writing industry should be aware of the differences between editing, review and proofreading services, since they produce different outcome for writers, and therefore potential customers.

In this article, I will get a bit more specific and explain the main differences between editing, review and proofreading in Greek (though this applies in general). Greek proofreading and reviewing by a Greek linguist are the final touches in the whole English to Greek translation or Greek article writing process before the final text is sent to the customer.

Many people think these terms as interchangeable; however, proofreading, review, and editing in Greek don't quite mean the same thing. They won't produce the same outcomes. Now, I am going to show you the basic differences among these.

Editing into Greek:

Greek editing works like an editor making changes and suggestions that will get the overall quality of your writing enhanced, especially use of the Greek language, Greek syntax, Greek grammar and Greek expression. After having your document edited in Greek, you will feel it as sharp and consistent. In this way the Greek expression becomes clear and the overall readability of the Greek writing is improved. Editing in Greek ensures that your Greek article gives the best impression that the Greek language comes naturally to you, even if it does not.

Generally speaking, the term “editing” involves things like grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation. The purpose of this stage is to make sure everything flows smoothly. This is often done by checking out grammar and punctuation, but sometimes, depending on the condition of your writing style, more is needed and that’s where editing mix with revising.

To sum up all, editing is all about ensuring the meaning and ideas in a piece of work are delivered in the best possible way, for the audience.

Revising into Greek:

Greek revising is the next task after you’ve completed your first draft. The purpose of revision into Greek is to check whether you’ve achieved all the goals you set for your writing. Do all the pieces look good together? Is the Greek writing style appropriate? Does every character have a role in the story? At this stage, you should consider your audience as well as the content of your writing.

Some people define revision as substantive editing. During this stage, you might want to change the order of chapters (or cut them). You will also check if your characters are behaving in accordance with the qualities you’ve given them.

Similarly, a Greek review includes a check and evaluation of the used Greek words, in reference to the context and its specifics.

The Greek review is considered as a final revision of the Greek text’s integrity in comparison to the original and the provided guidelines. It also covers Greek copy editing, reevaluation, and change of the whole Greek text structure in some cases.

Proofreading into Greek:

Greek proofreading and Greek copyediting include a Greek review of spelling and punctuation. It is the final step before publishing. It’s usually done after you have created a copy of your formatted work. A Greek proofreader will check for typos as well as formatting issues. Their job is to make sure your work looks good and amazing.

Greek proofreaders will contrast the final document with the edited manuscript and ensure no pages are missing, page breaks are in the right spot, and the page numbers coordinate what the table of content says.

Greek revising, Greek editing and proofreading into Greek are often used interchangeably so if you’re confused as to which service you need, make sure you ask. I’d be more than happy to explain more to you.


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